Common English Bible

1 Maccabees 13:12-25 Common English Bible (CEB)

12. Then Trypho left Ptolemais with a large army to invade the land of Judah, taking Jonathan with him under guard.

13. Simon camped in Adida, facing the plain.

14. Trypho learned that Simon had taken the place of his brother Jonathan and that he was about to battle against him. So he sent envoys to Simon who said,

15. "We are detaining your brother Jonathan because of the money he owes the royal treasury in connection with the offices he held.

16. Send now 5,700 pounds of silver and two of his sons as hostages, to ensure that when he is released he won’t revolt against us, and we will release him."

17. Simon knew that they were speaking deceitfully to him, but he sent for the money and the sons so that he wouldn’t arouse hostility among the people.

18. He was concerned that they might say, "Jonathan died because Simon didn’t send the money and his sons."

19. So he sent the sons and 5,700 pounds of silver. But Trypho broke his word and didn’t release Jonathan.

20. After this, Trypho came to invade and destroy the country. He circled around by the way to Adora. But Simon and his army kept marching opposite him, every place he went.

21. Now the men in the elevated fortress kept sending messengers to Trypho, urging him to come to them by way of the wilderness and to send them food.

22. So Trypho got all his cavalry ready to go, but that night a very heavy snow fell so he didn’t go. Instead, he marched into the land of Gilead.

23. When he approached Baskama, he killed Jonathan and buried him there.

24. Then Trypho returned to his own land.

25. Simon sent someone to get the bones of Jonathan his brother, and he buried him in Modein, the city of his ancestors.