Common English Bible

1 Maccabees 12:11-28 Common English Bible (CEB)

11. We remember you constantly on every occasion—at our festivals and on other appropriate days, at the sacrifices that we offer, and in our prayers—as it is right and proper to remember relatives.

12. Furthermore, we rejoice at your success.

13. As for us, we have experienced many trials and many wars. The kings around us have waged war against us.

14. We have not wanted to bother you and our other allies and friends about these wars

15. because we have the help that comes from heaven. So we have been delivered from our enemies, and they have been humbled.

16. Therefore, we chose Numenius, Antiochus’ son, and Antipater, Jason’s son, and sent them to Rome to renew our former friendship and alliance with them.

17. We have told them to go to you as well and greet you and deliver to you this letter from us concerning the renewal of our family ties.

18. So please send us a reply.

19. This is a copy of the letter that they sent to Onias:

20. King Arius of the Spartans.To the high priest Onias. Greetings!

21. It has been discovered in a written record that the Spartans and the Jews are relatives and are both of the family of Abraham.

22. Since we have learned this, please let us know how you are.

23. On our part, we write to let you know that what is yours—your livestock and property—belongs to us, and ours belongs to you. We therefore command that our envoys report to you in keeping with this.

24. Jonathan heard that Demetrius’ commanders had returned with a larger force than before to wage war against him.

25. So he marched away from Jerusalem and met them in the region of Hamath. He didn’t allow them any opportunity to invade his country.

26. He sent spies to their camp. They returned and reported to him that the enemy was lining up in battle formation to attack the Jews at night.

27. When the sun had set, Jonathan commanded his troops to be on alert. They were to keep their weapons at hand so they could be ready through the night for battle. He also stationed guard posts around the camp.

28. When the enemy heard that Jonathan and his troops were prepared for battle, they were extremely terrified. So they lit fires in their camp and retreated.