Common English Bible

1 Maccabees 11:24-37 Common English Bible (CEB)

24. because he went to the king at Ptolemais. He took silver and gold as well as clothing and numerous other gifts. Fortunately, he won his favor.

25. Certain renegades from Israel kept making complaints against Jonathan.

26. But the king treated him as those before him had done. He praised Jonathan in the presence of all his chief political advisors.

27. He confirmed him in the high priesthood and in as many other honors as he formerly had. He made him one of his leading political advisors.

28. So Jonathan asked the king to free Judea and the three Samaritan districts from the payment of taxes. And he promised him 17,100 pounds of silver.

29. The king agreed. He wrote a letter to Jonathan about all these things:

30. King Demetrius to his brother Jonathan and to the nation of the Jews. Greetings!

31. This is a copy of the letter that we wrote about you to our advisor Lasthenes. We’re sending it to you also so that you may know what it says.

32. Greetings from King Demetrius to his father Lasthenes.

33. We have decided to treat the nation of the Jews well. They are our friends and keep their obligations to us. They show goodwill toward us.

34. We have confirmed, as their possession, the territory of Judea and the three districts of Aphairema, Lydda, and Rathamin. The latter districts, with the entire region bordering them, were added to Judea from Samaria. To all those who offer sacrifice in Jerusalem, we have granted release from the royal taxes the king formerly received from them each year, from the crops of the land and the fruit of the trees.

35. Furthermore, we grant them release from all other payments due to us from the tenth-part gifts, the taxes, the salt pits, and the crown taxes from now on.

36. These exemptions are never to be canceled.

37. Therefore, be sure to make a copy of this letter. Give it to Jonathan and display it in a prominent place on the holy mountain.