Common English Bible

1 Chronicles 29:2-14 Common English Bible (CEB)

2. Using every resource at my disposal, I’ve provided everything for my God’s temple: gold for gold objects, silver for silver objects, bronze for bronze objects, iron for iron objects, lumber for wooden objects, carnelian stones for settings, antimony, colorful stones, every kind of precious stone, and a large amount of marble.

3. What’s more, because of my delight in my God’s temple, I have dedicated my own private treasure of gold and silver to my God’s temple, in addition to all that I’ve provided for the holy temple:

4. three thousand kikkars of gold from the gold of Ophir, seven thousand kikkars of refined silver for covering the walls of the rooms,

5. gold for gold objects, and silver for silver objects, to be used for everything the skilled workers will make. Who else, then, will volunteer, dedicating themselves to the Lord today?

6. Then the leaders of the households, the leaders of the tribes of Israel, and the commanders of the units of a thousand and a hundred, and the supervisors of the king’s work volunteered

7. to give five thousand kikkars and ten thousand darics of gold, ten thousand kikkars of silver, eighteen thousand kikkars of bronze, and one hundred thousand kikkars of iron for the work on God’s temple.

8. Anyone who had precious stones donated them to the treasury of the Lord’s temple under the care of Jehiel the Gershonite.

9. The people rejoiced at this response, because they had presented their offerings to the Lord so willingly and wholeheartedly. King David also rejoiced greatly.

10. Then David blessed the Lord before the whole assembly:Blessed are you, Lord, God of our ancestor Israel,forever and always.

11. To you, Lord, belong greatness and power,honor, splendor, and majesty,because everything in heaven and on earth belongs to you.Yours, Lord, is the kingship,and you are honored as head of all.

12. You are the source of wealth and honor,and you rule over all.In your hand are strength and might,and it is in your power to magnify and strengthen all.

13. And now, our God, we thank youand praise your glorious name.

14. Who am I,and who are my people,that we should be able to offer so willingly?Since everything comes from you,we have given you that which comes from your own hand.