Catholic Public Domain Version

Psalm 9:16-28 Catholic Public Domain Version (CPDV)

16. I will exult in your salvation. The Gentiles have become trapped in the ruin that they made. Their foot has been caught in the same snare that they themselves had hidden.

17. The Lord will be recognized when making judgments. The sinner has been caught in the works of his own hands.

18. The sinners will be turned into Hell: all the Gentiles who have forgotten God.

19. For the poor will not be forgotten in the end. The patience of the poor will not perish in the end.

20. Rise up, Lord: do not let man be strengthened. Let the Gentiles be judged in your sight.

21. O Lord, establish a lawgiver over them, so that the Gentiles may know that they are only men.

22. So then, why, O Lord, have you withdrawn far away? Why have you overlooked us in opportunity, in tribulation?

23. While the impious is arrogant, the poor is enflamed. They are held by the counsels that they devise.

24. For the sinner is praised by the desires of his soul, and the iniquitous is blessed.

25. The sinner has provoked the Lord; according to the multitude of his wrath, he will not seek him.

26. God is not before his sight. His ways are stained at all times. Your judgments are removed from his face. He will be master of all his enemies.

27. For he has said in his heart, "I will not be disturbed: from generation to generation without evil."

28. His mouth is full of curses, and bitterness, and deceit. Under his tongue are hardship and sorrow.