Catholic Public Domain Version

Proverbs 26:17-28 Catholic Public Domain Version (CPDV)

17. Just like one who takes hold of a dog by the ears, so also is he who crosses impatiently and meddles in the quarrels of another.

18. Just as he is guilty who let loose the arrows and the lances unto death,

19. so also is the man who harms his friend by deceitfulness. And when he has been apprehended, he says, "I did it jokingly."

20. When the wood fails, the fire will be extinguished. And when the gossiper is taken away, conflicts will be quelled.

21. Just as charcoals are to burning coals, and wood is to fire, so also is an angry man who stirs up quarrels.

22. The words of a whisperer seem simple, but they penetrate to the innermost parts of the self.

23. In the same manner as an earthen vessel, if it were adorned with impure silver, conceited lips are allied with a wicked heart.

24. An enemy is known by his lips, though it is from his heart that he draws out deceit.

25. When he will have lowered his voice, do not believe him, for there are seven vices in his heart.

26. Whoever covers hatred with deceit, his malice shall be revealed in the assembly.

27. Whoever digs a pit will fall into it. And whoever rolls a stone, it will roll back to him.

28. A false tongue does not love truth. And a slippery mouth works ruin.