Catholic Public Domain Version

Matthew 21:32-43 Catholic Public Domain Version (CPDV)

32. For John came to you in the way of justice, and you did not believe him. But the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed him. Yet even after seeing this, you did not repent, so as to believe him.

33. Listen to another parable. There was a man, the father of a family, who planted a vineyard, and surrounded it with a hedge, and dug a press in it, and built a tower. And he loaned it out to farmers, and he set out to sojourn abroad.

34. Then, when the time of the fruits drew near, he sent his servants to the farmers, so that they might receive its fruits.

35. And the farmers apprehended his servants; they struck one, and killed another, and stoned yet another.

36. Again, he sent other servants, more than before; and they treated them similarly.

37. Then, at the very end, he sent his son to them, saying: 'They will revere my son.'

38. But the farmers, seeing the son, said among themselves: 'This is the heir. Come, let us kill him, and then we will have his inheritance.'

39. And apprehending him, they cast him outside the vineyard, and they killed him.

40. Therefore, when the lord of the vineyard arrives, what will he do to those farmers?"

41. They said to him, "He will bring those evil men to an evil end, and he will loan out his vineyard to other farmers, who shall repay to him the fruit in its time."

42. Jesus said to them: "Have you never read in the Scriptures: 'The stone that the builders have rejected has become the cornerstone. By the Lord has this been done, and it is wonderful in our eyes?'

43. Therefore, I say to you, that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you, and it shall be given to a people who shall produce its fruits.