Catholic Public Domain Version

Leviticus 26:23-38 Catholic Public Domain Version (CPDV)

23. But if you are not willing to receive discipline in this way, and you still walk as an adversary to me,

24. likewise, I will advance against you as an adversary, and I will strike you seven times, because of your sins.

25. And I will lead over you the sword that shall avenge my covenant. And when you will have fled into the cities, I will send a pestilence into your midst, and you will be delivered into the hands of your enemies.

26. After this, I will have broken the staff of your bread, so that ten women bake bread in one oven, and distribute it by weight. And you shall eat and not be filled.

27. Then, if you will not listen to me through these things, and you still walk against me,

28. then I also will advance against you, with an opposing fury, and I will chastise you with seven plagues, because of your sins:

29. so much so that you will eat the flesh of your sons and your daughters.

30. I will destroy your high places, and I will break apart your false images. You will fall among the ruins of your idols, and my soul will abominate you:

31. so much so that I will reduce your cities to a wilderness, and I will make your Sanctuaries desolate, and I will no longer accept the most sweet odors.

32. And I will utterly ruin your land, and your enemies shall be stupefied at it, when they will have become its inhabitants.

33. Then I will scatter you among the Gentiles, and I will unsheathe the sword after you. And your land will be deserted, and your cities will be demolished.

34. Then the land will be pleased by her Sabbaths, throughout all the days of her solitude. So, while you will be

35. in the land of the enemy, she will worship and rest in the Sabbath of her solitude, because she will not have rested in your Sabbaths, when you lived in her.

36. And whoever of you will remain, I will send terror into their hearts in the regions of their enemies. The sound of a flying leaf will terrify them, and so they will flee, as if from the sword. They will fall, though no one pursues.

37. And they will each fall upon their brothers, as if they were fleeing from wars; no one among you will dare to resist your foes.

38. You will perish among the Gentiles, and the land of the enemy will consume you.