Catholic Public Domain Version

Leviticus 25:1-13 Catholic Public Domain Version (CPDV)

1. And the Lord spoke to Moses on mount Sinai, saying:

2. Speak to the sons of Israel, and you shall say to them: When you will have entered into the land which I will give to you, rest on the Sabbath of the Lord.

3. For six years you shall sow your field, and for six years you shall care for your vineyard, and you shall gather its fruits.

4. But in the seventh year, there shall be a Sabbath of the land, a resting of the Lord. You shall not sow your field, and you shall not care for your vineyard.

5. What the soil shall spontaneously produce, you shall not harvest. And you shall not gather the grapes of the first-fruits as a crop. For it is a year of rest for the land.

6. But these shall be yours for food, for you and for your men and women servants, and for your hired hands, and for the newcomers who sojourn with you:

7. all that grows on its own shall provide food for your beasts and cattle.

8. You shall also number for yourselves seven weeks of years, that is, seven times seven, which together makes forty-nine years.

9. And you shall sound the trumpet in the seventh month, on the tenth day of the month, at the time of the atonement, throughout all your land.

10. And you shall sanctify the fiftieth year, and you shall proclaim a remission for all the inhabitants of your land: for the same is the Jubilee. A man shall return to his possession, and each one shall go back to his original family,

11. for it is the Jubilee and the fiftieth year. You shall not sow, and you shall not reap what grows in the field of its own accord, and you shall not gather the first-fruits of the crop,

12. due to the sanctification of the Jubilee. But you shall eat them as they present themselves.

13. In the year of the Jubilee, all shall return to their possessions.