Catholic Public Domain Version

John 12:25-34 Catholic Public Domain Version (CPDV)

25. it remains alone. But if it dies, it yields much fruit. Whoever loves his life, will lose it. And whoever hates his life in this world, preserves it unto eternal life.

26. If anyone serves me, let him follow me. And where I am, there too my minister shall be. If anyone has served me, my Father will honor him.

27. Now my soul is troubled. And what should I say? Father, save me from this hour? But it is for this reason that I came to this hour.

28. Father, glorify your name!" And then a voice came from heaven, "I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again."

29. Therefore, the crowd, which was standing near and had heard it, said that it was like thunder. Others were saying, "An Angel was speaking with him."

30. Jesus responded and said: "This voice came, not for my sake, but for your sakes.

31. Now is the judgment of the world. Now will the prince of this world be cast out.

32. And when I have been lifted up from the earth, I will draw all things to myself."

33. (Now he said this, signifying what kind of death he would die.)

34. The crowd answered him: "We have heard, from the law, that the Christ remains forever. And so how can you say, 'The Son of man must be lifted up?' Who is this Son of man?"