Catholic Public Domain Version

Ezekiel 26:13-21 Catholic Public Domain Version (CPDV)

13. And I will cause the multitude of your songs to cease. And the sound of your stringed instruments will no longer be heard.

14. And I will make you like the barest rock; you will be a drying place for nets. And you will no longer be built up. For I have spoken, says the Lord God."

15. Thus says the Lord God to Tyre: "Will not the islands shake at the sound of your ruin and at the groans of your slain, when they will have been cut down in your midst?

16. And all the leaders of the sea will descend from their thrones. And they will cast aside their outer garments and their colorful clothing, and they will be clothed in stupor. They will sit on the ground, and they will wonder with astonishment at your sudden downfall.

17. And taking up a lamentation over you, they will say to you: 'How could you have perished, you who live in the sea, the famous city that was strong in the sea, with your inhabitants, of whom the whole world was in dread?'

18. Now the ships will be stupefied, in the day of your terror. And the islands of the sea will be disturbed, because no one goes out from you.

19. For thus says the Lord God: When I will have made you a desolate city, like the cities that are uninhabited, and when I will have led the abyss over you, and many waters will have covered you,

20. and when I will have dragged you down with those who descend into the pit to the everlasting people, and when I will have assembled you in the lowest parts of the earth, like the desolate places of antiquity, with those who have been brought down into the pit, so that you will be uninhabited, and moreover, when I will have given glory to the land of the living:

21. I will reduce you to nothing, and you shall not be, and if you are sought, you will no longer be found, in perpetuity, says the Lord God."