Catholic Public Domain Version

Ezekiel 16:47-63 Catholic Public Domain Version (CPDV)

47. But neither have you walked in their ways. For you have done only a little less compared to their wickedness. You have acted almost more wickedly, in all your ways, than they have acted.

48. As I live, says the Lord God, your sister Sodom herself, and her daughters, have not done as you and your daughters have done.

49. Behold, this was the iniquity of Sodom, your sister: arrogance, indulgence in bread and abundance, and the idleness of her and her daughters; and they did not reach out their hand to the needy and the poor.

50. And they were exalted, and they committed abominations before me. And so I took them away, just as you have seen.

51. But Samaria has not committed even half of your sins. For you have exceeded them in your wickedness, and you have justified your sisters by all your abominations, which you have wrought.

52. Therefore, you also bear your shame, for you have exceeded your sisters with your sins, acting more wickedly than they did. So they have been justified above you. By this also, you are confounded, and you bear your disgrace, for you have justified your sisters.

53. But I will convert and restore them, by converting Sodom with her daughters, and by converting Samaria and her daughters. And I will convert your return in their midst.

54. So may you bear your disgrace and be confounded over all that you have done, consoling them.

55. And your sister Sodom and her daughters will return to their ancient state. And Samaria and her daughters will return to their ancient state. And you and your daughters will be returned to your ancient state.

56. Your sister Sodom was not heard from your mouth, then, in the day of your pride,

57. before your malice was revealed, as it is at this time, with the reproach of the daughters of Syria and of all the daughters of Palestine, who surround you, who encircle you on every side.

58. You have borne your wickedness and your disgrace, says the Lord God."

59. For thus says the Lord God: "I will act toward you, just as you have despised the oath, so that you would make void the covenant.

60. And I will remember my covenant with you in the days of your youth. And I will raise up for you an everlasting covenant.

61. And you shall remember your ways and be confounded, when you will have received your sisters, your elder with your younger. And I will give them to you as daughters, but not by your covenant.

62. And I will raise up my covenant with you. And you shall know that I am the Lord.

63. So may you remember and be confounded. And it will no longer be for you to open your mouth, because of your shame, when I will have been pacified toward you over all that you have done, says the Lord God."