Catholic Public Domain Version

1 Samuel 24:12-23 Catholic Public Domain Version (CPDV)

12. Moreover, see and know, O my father, the edge of your cloak in my hand. For though I cut off the top of your cloak, I was not willing to extend my hand against you. Turn your soul and see that there is no evil in my hand, nor any iniquity or sin against you. Yet you lie in wait for my life, so that you may take it away.

13. May the Lord judge between me and you. And may the Lord vindicate me from you. But my hand will not be against you.

14. So too, it is said in the ancient proverb, 'From the impious, impiety will go forth.' Therefore, my hand will not be upon you.

15. Whom are you pursuing, O king of Israel? Whom are you pursuing? You are pursuing a dead dog, a single flea.

16. May the Lord be the judge, and may he judge between me and you. And may he see and judge my case, and rescue me from your hand."

17. And when David had completed speaking words in this way to Saul, Saul said, "Could this be your voice, my son David?" And Saul lifted up his voice, and he wept.

18. And he said to David: "You are more just than I am. For you have distributed good to me, but I have repaid evil to you.

19. And you have revealed this day the good that you have done for me: how the Lord delivered me into your hand, but you did not kill me.

20. For who, when he will have found his enemy, will release him along a good path? So may the Lord repay you for this good turn, because you have acted on my behalf this day.

21. And now I know certainly that you shall be king, and you shall have the kingdom of Israel in your hand.

22. Swear to me in the Lord that you will not take away my offspring after me, nor take away my name from the house of my father."

23. And David swore to Saul. Therefore, Saul went away to his own house. And David and his men ascended to places that were more secure.