Amplified Bible

Matthew 22:17-24 Amplified Bible (AMP)

17. Tell us then what You think about this: Is it lawful to pay tribute [levied on individuals and to be paid yearly] to Caesar or not?

18. But Jesus, aware of their malicious plot, asked, Why do you put Me to the test and try to entrap Me, you pretenders (hypocrites)?

19. Show me the money used for the tribute. And they brought Him a denarius.

20. And Jesus said to them, Whose likeness and title are these?

21. They said, Caesar's. Then He said to them, Pay therefore to Caesar the things that are due to Caesar, and pay to God the things that are due to God.

22. When they heard it they were amazed and marveled; and they left Him and departed.

23. The same day some Sadducees, who say that there is no resurrection [of the dead], came to Him and they asked Him a question,

24. Saying, Teacher, Moses said, If a man dies, leaving no children, his brother shall marry the widow and raise up a family for his brother. [Deut. 25:5.]