Amplified Bible

Luke 10:1-11 Amplified Bible (AMP)

1. NOW AFTER this the Lord chose and appointed seventy others and sent them out ahead of Him, two by two, into every town and place where He Himself was about to come (visit).

2. And He said to them, The harvest indeed is abundant [there is much ripe grain], but the farmhands are few. Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.

3. Go your way; behold, I send you out like lambs into the midst of wolves.

4. Carry no purse, no provisions bag, no [change of] sandals; refrain from [retarding your journey by] saluting and wishing anyone well along the way.

5. Whatever house you enter, first say, Peace be to this household! [Freedom from all the distresses that result from sin be with this family].

6. And if anyone [worthy] of peace and blessedness is there, the peace and blessedness you wish shall come upon him; but if not, it shall come back to you.

7. And stay on in the same house, eating and drinking what they provide, for the laborer is worthy of his wages. Do not keep moving from house to house. [Deut. 24:15.]

8. Whenever you go into a town and they receive and accept and welcome you, eat what is set before you;

9. And heal the sick in it and say to them, The kingdom of God has come close to you.

10. But whenever you go into a town and they do not receive and accept and welcome you, go out into its streets and say,

11. Even the dust of your town that clings to our feet we are wiping off against you; yet know and understand this: the kingdom of God has come near you.