Amplified Bible

Acts 13:18-25 Amplified Bible (AMP)

18. And for about forty years like a fatherly nurse He cared for them in the wilderness and endured their behavior. [Deut. 1:31.]

19. When He had destroyed seven nations in the land of Canaan, He gave them [the Hebrews] their land as an inheritance [distributing it to them by lot; all of which took] about 450 years. [Deut. 7:1; Josh. 14:1.]

20. After that, He gave them judges until the prophet Samuel.

21. Then they asked for a king; and God gave them Saul son of Kish, a man of the tribe of Benjamin, for forty years.

22. And when He had deposed him, He raised up David to be their king; of him He bore witness and said, I have found David son of Jesse a man after My own heart, who will do all My will and carry out My program fully. [I Sam. 13:14; Ps. 89:20; Isa. 44:28.]

23. Of this man's descendants God has brought to Israel a Savior [in the person of Jesus], according to His promise.

24. Before His coming John had [already] preached baptism of repentance to all the people of Israel.

25. And as John was ending his course, he asked, What or who do you secretly think that I am? I am not He [the Christ. No], but note that after me One is coming, the sandals of Whose feet I am not worthy to untie!